Abstract—These Phytochemical invetigation of Cyperus scariosus leads to the isolation and identification of a compound 2, 3-diacetoxy-19- hydroxy-urs-12-ene-24-O-β-D-xylopyranoside 1 based on chemical and spectroscopic studies. Cyperus scariosus syn (Cyperaceae) commonly known as Nagarmotha. The plant is generally distributed in damp places in Bengal, Sundarbans, Utter Pradesh and eastern and southern parts of India. It is also grown in Australia. This plant has been reported to have many medicinal properties.In continuation of our research for medicinal plants, we report, herein, isolation and structure elucidation of new compounds from Cyperus scariosus.
Index Terms—Phytochemical investigation, Cyperus scariosus, Cyperacae Nagarmotha.
Cite: Shachi Sahu, Jagdamba Singh and Shiv Kumar, "New Xylopyranoside From The Rhizomes Of Cyperus Scariosus," International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 191-198, 2010.