Abstract—Global pollution is a major problem that is yet to be solved. There are several causes of increasing pollution such as burning fossils, deforestation, increase in number of industries and vehicles etc. Humans are almost responsible for all types of pollution. The impact on global environment is becoming more serious. These impacts are discussed in this paper along with probable controlling methods of pollution.
Index Terms—Air, water & land pollution, pollutants, effects,causes of pollution, atmosphere, India
1Pravara Rural Education Society’s Sir Visvesvaraya Institute ofTechnology, Chincholi, Chemical Engineering Department,PuneUniversity, Tal-Sinner, Dist-Nashik, M.S.India(email:sachin_kanawade2006@rediffmail.com).2Amrutvahini Polytechnic, Civil Engineering Department, Sangamner,Tal-Sangamner, Dist-A’Nagar M.S.India(email:anant_hamigi@rediffmail.com).
3Pravara Rural Education Society’s Pravara Rural Engineering College,Loni, Chemical Engineering, Department, Tal-Rahata, Dist-A’Nagar, PuneUniversity, M.S.India
Cite: Sachin M.Kanawade, Anantraj D. Hamigi and Ravindra W. Gaikwad, "Ecological Effect of Pollution," International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 332-335, 2010.