Abstract—In this paper a response surface model (RSM) was established and numerical simulations were performed to study the impact factor for optimization of solid waste management. The effects of three parameters such as fuel consumption, total workforce, and volume of transport were investigated. According to the statistics presented, municipality of Sari’s expenditure for workers’ salary and fuel for vehicles to transport the waste was US$71,680 in fall 2009. In addition, the value of machinery used in this period was US$197,050. According to the predictions done, generation of solid waste will be 25147 ton in spring 2011. By using the response surface 2FI model, the cost of labor and fuel for machinery will decrease to US$55606 and also the capital value of machinery used in this section will be US$136,615.
Corresponding: Behzad Nadi
AUniversiti Putra Malaysia, BUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, LESTARInadibehzad@gmail.com
Cite: Behzad Nadi, Elmira Shamshiry, Ahmad Rodzi bin Mahmud, "Response Surfaces Model For Optimization of Solid Waste Management," International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 12-13, 2011.