Abstract—One of the options of carbon dioxide capture and storage is the accelerated carbonation of industrial waste. The chemical process of carbonation of those materials and extraction characteristics were studied. Several target materials were screened based upon their physical and chemical characteristics for carbonation, amount of domestic production, and transportation distance between the waste production facility and carbon dioxide generation source. Selected candidate materials were coal combustion ash and municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) ash. Carbon dioxide capture potentials were estimated from the chemical compositions of alkaline materials such as CaO, MgO, Na2O, and K2O and acid neutralization capacities. From the carbon dioxide capture potentials and annual production of waste, the total amount of CO2 removal by carbonation of industrial combustion waste in Korea could be estimated.
Index Terms—carbonation, CO2, capture potential,industrial combustion waste
Jong Soo Cho is with the Department of Environmental engineering, the Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon Si, Kyunggi Do, Korea.(corresponding author, phone: 822-2164-4373; fax: 822-2164-4765; e-mail:jongscho@catholic.ac.kr).
Soon Mi Kim is with the Department of Environmental engineering, theCatholic University of Korea, Bucheon Si, Kyunggi Do, Korea. (email:coco2801@naver.com)
Hee dong Chun is with CO2 Task Force Team, Pohang Research Institute of Technology, Pohang Si, Kyungsangbuk Do, Korea. (email:hdchun@rist.re.kr)
Gun Woo Han is with CO2 Task Force Team, Pohang Research Instituteof Technology, Pohang Si, Kyungsangbuk Do, Korea.(email:khan@rist.re.lr)
Chang Hoon Lee is with CO2 Task Force Team, Pohang ResearchInstitute of Technology, Pohang Si, Kyungsangbuk Do, Korea.(email:chlee@rist.re.kr)
Cite: Jong Soo Cho, Soon Mi Kim, Hee Dong Chun, Gun Woo Han, Chang Hoon Lee, "Carbon Dioxide Capture with Accelerated Carbonation of Industrial Combustion Waste," International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 60-65, 2011.