Abstract—Mechanism of activated carbon desulfurization under the condition of desorbing by water is researched according to the result of adsorbing performance experiment using different adsorbents. A new theory is proposed to explain the oxidation process of sulfur dioxide and the formation of the effective adsorption sites when water exists. Argument is presented that effective adsorption sites are produced only at a certain reaction space that can provide appropriate distances and configurations between reactant molecules. Analysis and estimation of reaction space in the whole reaction process are done on the basis of Zawadzki’s desulfurization theory. Studies show that the aperture distribution of adsorbent is a crucial factor in the adsorption process and effective adsorbing reaction space will be generated when aperture width is over 1.0nm.Results of this study will lead a correct choice of the suitable activated carbon for flue gas desulfurization and effectively increase activated carbon’s adsorption capacity for SO2.
Index Terms—activated carbon; adsorption; reaction space;sulfur dioxide.
Yi LIU is from School of Energy and Power Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127 China phone: 086-514-87340706; fax:086-514-87971315; e-mail: liu19740808@ sina.com.cn
Cite: Yi LIU, "Reaction Configuration Critical Effect in Activated Carbon Desulfurization Process on the Condition of Desorbing by Water," International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 66-71, 2011.