Abstract—Water crisis has become the critical point in limiting cities’ economical and social development nowadays. With the sharply increasing conflict of supply and demand of water resources, the prediction of ecological water demand is becoming an important part in urban water resource management. Thus, based on the overview of theories and methods for the calculation of urban ecological water demand, this paper introduces a multi-objective system dynamic model which combines system dynamic model with multi-ecosystem theory to simulate urban ecological water demand, with Dalian City, China as a case study. It is demonstrated that the proposed model can be an applicable and flexible method and it also provides an alternative approach for sustainable urban water utilization which can reconcile the conflict between urbanization process and water resource restraints.
Index Terms—Dalian City, multi-objective system dynamicmode, urban ecological water demand simulation, water sustainable utilization
Jing Du, Ling Xu, Shuo Wang and Fenglin Yang* are with Key Laboratory of Industrial Ecology and Environmental Engineering, MOE,Dalian University of Technology, China (corresponding author to providephone: 86-411-84706328;fax: 86-411-84708083; e-mail: yangfl@dlut.edu.cn)
Cite: Jing Du, Ling Xu, Shuo Wang, and Fenglin Yang, "Simulation of Urban Ecological Water Demand Using Multi-objective System Dynamic Model," International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 143-146, 2011.