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    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Chem. Eng. Appl.
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Prof. Dr. Shen-Ming Chen
National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan

IJCEA 2011 Vol.2(3): 164-167 ISSN: 2010-0221
DOI: 10.7763/IJCEA.2011.V2.95

Properties of Biodegradable Polymers and Degradation for Sustainable Development

A.Ashwin Kumar, Karthick. K, and K.P.Arumugam

Abstract—In recent years, there has been a marked increase in interest in biodegradable materials for use in packaging, agriculture, medicine, and other areas. In particular, biodegradable polymer materials (known as biocomposites) are of interest. As a result, many researchers are investing time into modifying traditional materials to make them more userfriendly, and into designing novel polymer composites out of naturally occurring materials. A number of biological materials may be incorporated into biodegradable polymer materials, with the most common being starch and fiber extracted from various types of plants. The belief is that biodegradable polymer materials will reduce the need for synthetic polymer production (thus reducing pollution) at a low cost, thereby producing a positive effect both environmentally and economically. This paper is intended to provide a brief outline of work that is under way in the area of biodegradable polymer research and development, the scientific theory behind these materials, areas in which this research is being applied.

Index Terms—Biopolymer biodegradable, Plastic, Recycling, Agricultural products, Biomaterial, Life.

A.ASHWIN KUMAR is with Department of chemical engineering,st. joseph’s college of engineering, Chennai-119, India(
KARTHICK.K is with Department of chemical engineering , st. joseph’scollege of engineering , Chennai -119, India
K. P. ARUMUGAM is with CPCL , as Engineer , Chennai, India


Cite: A. Ashwin Kumar, Karthick. K, and K. P. Arumugam, "Properties of Biodegradable Polymers and Degradation for Sustainable Development," International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 164-167, 2011.

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