Abstract—In this work, our purpose was to produce intelligent Starch-based superabsorbent polymers (SAP) to be used as pH carriers for the controlled delivery of metronidazoleloaded drug. A mechanism for hydrogel formation was proposed and the structure of the product was established using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).the swelling behaviour of these polymers was investigated in various salt solutions. Finally, the effects of pH, and levels of loaded drug on drug release profile in various surrounding media were investigated. Release profiles of metronidazole, a water-soluble drug, from the hydrogels were studied under both simulated gastric and intestinal pH conditions.
Index Terms—Starch; hydrogel; metronidazole; drugdelivery; vinylic monomers.
The authors are with the Department of Chemistry, Science Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch Arak, Iran (Email: m-sadeghi@iauarak.ac.ir).
Cite: Mohammad Sadeghi and Fatemeh Soleimani, "Synthesis and Characterization Superabsorbent Hydrogelsfor Oral Drug Delivery Systems," International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 314-316, 2011.