Abstract—This study prepared the MWCNTs/water nanofluid with chitosan as a dispersant by the direct-synthesis method. The main purpose of this paper is to experimentally investigate the suspension performance variations influenced by the additive concentrations of the multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) as well as the chitosan in the water. The feasibility study of the nanofluid using the MWCNTs and chitosan is carried out. Experimental results demonstrate that the additive concentration of chitosan showed the proportional relationship for suspension performance. However, adding chitosan will increase the viscosity and decrease the thermal conductivity of nanofluids. The chitosan concentration of 0.4 wt% can provide good suspension performance for all concentration range of MWCNTs in this study. As the nanofluids containing MWCNTs and chitosan with concentrations of 1.5 wt% and 0.4 wt.%, the thermal conductivity will increase 9.0% and enhance 233% of the viscosity compared with deionized water.
Index Terms—Numerical simulation, urea solidification,Heat and mass transfer, mathematical modeling.
Ali Mehrez, Ahmed Hamza H.Ali are with Energy Resources and Environmental Engineering Department, Egypt- Japan University of Scienceand Technology E-JUST, New Borg Elarab, Alexandria, Egypt (email:ali.mehrez@ejust.edu.eg, ahmed.hamza@ejust.edu.eg).
W. K. Zahra is with Physics and Engineering Mathematics Department, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt (email:wzahra@f-eng.tanta.edu.eg).
S. Ookawara, and M. Suzuki are with Department of Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Instituteof Technology, Tokyo, Japan (email: sokawara@chemeng.titech.ac.jp,masaaki@chemeng.titech.ac.jp).
Cite: Yi-Hsuan Hung and Wen-Chieh Chou, "Chitosan for Suspension Performance and Viscosity of MWCNTs," International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 347-353, 2012.