Abstract—In this work, the CO2 release and scaling in MSF distillers was investigated for different feed water composition in different intakes from the Arabian Gulf for once-through (OT) and brine recycle (BR) MSF distillers. The results were calculated from a previously developed model. The model was applied to two 20-stage reference MSF once-through and recycles distillers. The CO2 release rates decreased exponentially from the first stage to the last stage. The CO2 release rates increased with increasing top brine temperature (TBT) and so CaCO3 deposition rates did. It also increases with HCO3- content and salinity while it decreases with increasing the seawater pH value. The sulfate scale potential increases with increasing top brine temperature. It increases with Ca2+, SO42- and salinity as well.
Index Terms— Feed composition, MSF distillers, CO2 release, sulfate scale potential.
Cite: Aiman Eid Al-Rawajfeh, "
Influence of Seawater Composition on CO2 Release and Scaling in Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) Distillers from Different Arabian Gulf Intakes," International Journal of Chemical Engineering and
Applications vol. 1, no. 1, pp.
, 2010.