Abstract—Pollutant H2S and COS are emitted during gasification process of coals with high sulfur content. If the gasified gas is used as the fuel for fuel cells or synthesis gas for chemical materials, H2S and COS in the gasified gas should be removed almost completely. The development of reliable methods to remove gaseous sulfur in the gasified gases at high temperature, instead of a practical wet scrubbing technique, and to regenerate the used sorbent, is one of the important technological advances. Therefore, this study proposes a novel technology on hot gas desulfurization by using molten alkali carbonates (MACs), consisting of 43Na2CO3 and 57K2CO3 as a solvent. As a result, H2S and COS were completely removed by the molten alkali carbonates at high temperature. The sulfur balance analysis of used MACs proved that it can completely capture H2S and COS. Regeneration experiments of used MACs conducted by using thermogravimetric analyzer and gas chromatography-flame photometric detector (GC-FPD) also showed that Na2S as one of the main components of used MACs can be around 80% regenerated at 650K by using CO2 as regeneration agent.
Cite: S. Raharjo, U. Yasuaki, R. Yoshiie and I. Naruse, "Hot Gas Desulfurization and Regeneration Characteristics with Molten Alkali Carbonates," Internatinal Journal of Chemical Engineering and Application vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 96-102, 2010.