Abstract—In this study, acetylated corn starches with various degree of substitution (DS) were achieved following multiple treatments with acetic anhydride under alkaline conditions. Experimental analyses were performed to investigate the effect of acetylation on a range of starch properties, including granule morphology, solubility, swelling power, paste clarity, syneresis and freeze-thaw stability, and compare them with those of the native corn starch. It was found that no significant changes in shape, size or external appearance of the starch granules occurred following any of the treatments. The acetylated starches showed higher solubility and swelling power, and better paste clarity when compared with the corresponding native starch. Acetylation caused reductions in retrogradation tendencies. It was observed that the changes in these properties were proportional to the DS achieved by acetylation.
Index Terms—Acetylation, corn starch, physicochemical properties, retrogradation, degree of substitution.
Aning Ayucitra is with Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University, Kalijudan 37Surabaya – 60114, East Java, Indonesia (e-mail:aning.ayucitra@gmail.com).
Cite: Aning Ayucitra, "Preparation and Characterisation of Acetylated CornStarches," International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 156-159, 2012.